What is Somatic Breath Therapy?...
When we were newborns most of us breathed easily, freely engaging our full breath system. We inhale fully into the belly then release and relax our exhale. As we experience life physically, mentally, and emotionally we learn "coping" patterns. These patterns usually have a mirror image in our breath. These unconscious breath patterns become our “normal” way of breathing; often allowing little or no breathe to certain areas of the body. Over time, this can lead to physical, emotional, and mental in-balance or dis-ease.
Somatic Breath Therapy is a conscious intentional tool that assists the body to return to an open healthy breath. Through gentle “coaching” the body and mind to learn to relax into a connected full belly breath allowing the healing of the breath system and all the "bodies" to unfold. Each person's experience and journey of this unfolding is unique and individual. The body, through the breath, knows the way to wellness. Trusting the breath to lead the way is a key to allowing the pathway to each level of freedom in the body, mind and emotions.
An additional benefit of opening our breath is a deeper connection to our "essential" self specifically connecting us to the amazing love that each one of truly IS! If you yearn to know your true self, lay down and breathe and you will discover you!
Somatic Breath Therapy is a conscious intentional tool that assists the body to return to an open healthy breath. Through gentle “coaching” the body and mind to learn to relax into a connected full belly breath allowing the healing of the breath system and all the "bodies" to unfold. Each person's experience and journey of this unfolding is unique and individual. The body, through the breath, knows the way to wellness. Trusting the breath to lead the way is a key to allowing the pathway to each level of freedom in the body, mind and emotions.
An additional benefit of opening our breath is a deeper connection to our "essential" self specifically connecting us to the amazing love that each one of truly IS! If you yearn to know your true self, lay down and breathe and you will discover you!
How are repressed emotions and traumas resolved with Somatic Breath Therapy?
Restricted breathing often comes from stuffing our feelings. By holding our breath we deactivate emotions. This subconscious behavior requires a tremendous amount of energy and creates chronic tension in our bodies. These repressed feelings affect our behavior unconsciously often in limiting and
self-sabotaging ways. Conscious connected breathing integrates the wounded aspects of self into one functioning whole. It produces an entrainment effect in the electromagnetic field which allows dense, lower vibrational patterns to be transformed into a higher vibrational energy. Through this process, trauma is cleared. Old patterns are restructured and the true inner nature reveals itself.Additionally, over time Somatic Breath Therapy changes neurobiology by allowing our memories/traumas/experiences to become fully "integrated" instead of just feelings/emotions/reactions with no words or understanding.
self-sabotaging ways. Conscious connected breathing integrates the wounded aspects of self into one functioning whole. It produces an entrainment effect in the electromagnetic field which allows dense, lower vibrational patterns to be transformed into a higher vibrational energy. Through this process, trauma is cleared. Old patterns are restructured and the true inner nature reveals itself.Additionally, over time Somatic Breath Therapy changes neurobiology by allowing our memories/traumas/experiences to become fully "integrated" instead of just feelings/emotions/reactions with no words or understanding.
Somatic Breath Therapy stimulates natural healing of the body/mind system...
Physically: tension relief; stress reduction; detoxification; improved respiratory capacity; strengthened immune system; opens Chakras; dissolution of limiting beliefs and tremendous energy increase.
Emotionally: Can initiate a long lasting change in self esteem, life style outlook and ability to emotionally and mentally regulate your life. Enlivens Innate Emotional Intelligence.
Mentally: limiting beliefs are dissolved, mental clarity is improved and the subconscious mind is cleared. Peace is achieved and creativity is expanded.
Spiritually: your awareness of the connection to Source is solidified. Many report mystical experiences of great beauty which bring insight and greater clarity to their lives by providing access to higher states of consciousness.
Somatic Breath Therapy eases accessibility to higher dimensions & levels of consciousness that give us...
Emotionally: Can initiate a long lasting change in self esteem, life style outlook and ability to emotionally and mentally regulate your life. Enlivens Innate Emotional Intelligence.
Mentally: limiting beliefs are dissolved, mental clarity is improved and the subconscious mind is cleared. Peace is achieved and creativity is expanded.
Spiritually: your awareness of the connection to Source is solidified. Many report mystical experiences of great beauty which bring insight and greater clarity to their lives by providing access to higher states of consciousness.
Somatic Breath Therapy eases accessibility to higher dimensions & levels of consciousness that give us...
- Stronger connection to Higher Self
- Fuller expression of Spiritual gifts
- Deeper meditation
- Opening to the metaphysical
- Awareness of unity
Areas of Effective Therapeutic Use with Somatic Breath: